Friday, March 13, 2009

The Next Generation Sequencing Status in Malaysia

Since the introduction of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in 2005, the science community in Malaysia has been increasingly aware of it due to the rapid development of NGS technology in various applications. Here are the major local players in Malaysia’s NGS field to look out for:

Synamatix Sdn. Bhd. It is the most experienced company in NGS bioinformatics. It is founded in 2002. Synamatix has successfully established itself overseas with the introduction of SXoligoSearch. This software will align Illumina reads against a range of Refseq RNA or NCBI genome builds for a number of organisms. Synamatix also provides outsourcing NGS service. MGRC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Synamatix Sdn Bhd. has been actively engaging in talks with potential NGS users and conducting NGS-related seminar and workshop.

Novocraft Technologies Sdn. Bhd. It is another Malaysia-based software company that has gained BioNexus status recently. Its product Novoalign is a fast and efficient tool for Illumina Solexa reads. Unlike SXoligoSearch, Novoalign is free for academic and non-profit use. The company is the official vendor in Malaysia for Cofactor Genomics. Cofactor Genomics is a US-based company that offers Illumina Solexa Seqeuncing. Besides cheaper and better quality of sequencing, it offers transparency in sequencing price and sample queue to its customers.

Two other companies are Science Vision Sdn. Bhd. and Analisa Resources Sdn. Bhd., the official representative for Illumina and Applied Biosystems respectively. Both have something in common. Besides organizing NGS-related seminar and workshop and offering sequencing service via outsourcing, they work closely with their Singaporean counterparts.

After so much talk and expectation, the first NGS platform has finally landed in Malaysia! UiTM has bought one unit of Illumina GAII. I'm sure the local researchers will be looking forward to cheaper Solexa sequencing from UiTM.


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