Notes from IUFRO Kuala Lumpur 2010
I'm back from IUFRO Kuala Lumpur 2010 conference. It's a blast thanks to the committee members for their hard work (including myself :p). Just wanna post some short notes I gathered.
The conference opened with a keynote by Dato Freezailah who is the chairman of Malaysia Timber Certification Council. One of the interesting topics during the first day is about timber tracking. On the second day, Prof. David Neale presented a paper on adaptive and conservation genetics. I was truly captivated by his slides on the history of forest genomic approaches the past 20-30 years. I wasn't even born, imagine that!
On the 3rd day, tree genomics and bioinformatics workshop was held. Prof. Carl Douglas gave us a wonderful start on Popular genomics. It's amazing how many participants showed up for that session. The participants were eager to learn about Next Generation Sequencing and how to apply them in genomics, adaptive genetics and conservation. I presented during the workshop and got some good feedback from the audience. :-) Well, I could have done better.
The next IUFRO conference will be held in Florence, Italy and scheduled to be August 2011. The following conference will be in Kyoto, 2012. It's gonna be exciting!