September 2011
3!!! That's the number of blogs I posted this year. What happened? I don't really know. I guess I'm busy with my project and editorial assistant tasks. Less traveling this year because it's my final year. There is a significant pressure and concern to finish my PhD in the coming semester. Luckily, I have extra 2 months time because the next (or current) semester was postponed from July to September. I hope to finish all my analysis by end of the semester and start completing my thesis and manuscript. Wish me luck!
What else is new?! Well, my long awaited publication in full text pdf is finally out last week (see link). I was very happy that the manuscript was accepted after one revision. Even happier to be the first one to publish among my peers. Sometimes it doesn't matter how fast you write, it's how fast you publish. I've started preparing for the manuscript since early last year. I spent a lot of time analyzing the data, RE-analyzing the data, draft the manuscripts and even more time revising it because it takes a week for my co-supervisor to read and another week for me to revise it and send it back. For 10 weeks, I was anxiously waiting for reviews. Once published, checking for number of views, comments and citations. It has been a good experience.
Recently, I attended a lecture and academic writing workshop by Prof Dr. Peter Brimblecombe. The lecture that focused on air pollution is eye-opening while the writing workshop is the best I have ever attended. I have written some notes and hope to post them soon. Keep your fingers crossed!
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