Kolokium Siswazah FST 2009
The annual Kolokium Siswazah FST is here. This two-day event may sound foreign to some students. It's like seminar where postgrad students usually in final semester present part of their work. A dinner will be held at a golf resort on the last day. The best presentation in Kolokium will be chosen. This time the winner get a 2Gb pendrive. (o_O)
I have attended some of the presentations by PPSSSA and PPBsBt students. It's a good opportunity to see what project other students are working on. The quality of presentation ranges from very good to very bad. It's hard for me to forget one specific presentation. A middle-aged PhD candidate presented an interesting project. Unlike others, he sat down in front of the laptop while explaining the slides. He was so relaxed. It makes me feel like I'm attending a lecture. Haha
I have attended some of the presentations by PPSSSA and PPBsBt students. It's a good opportunity to see what project other students are working on. The quality of presentation ranges from very good to very bad. It's hard for me to forget one specific presentation. A middle-aged PhD candidate presented an interesting project. Unlike others, he sat down in front of the laptop while explaining the slides. He was so relaxed. It makes me feel like I'm attending a lecture. Haha
Kolokium ini dianjurkan oleh Urus Setia Program Pengajian Siswazah Fakulti Pengajian Islam dengan kerjasama Persatuan Siswazah Fakulti Pengajian Islam. Kolokium ini bertujuan untuk memberi peluang kepada siswazah dalam bidang Pengajian Islam membentang kertas kerja berkaitan penyelidikan yang sedang dilakukan, serta mendapat komen dan maklum balas daripada penilai dan penyelidik lain bagi menambahbaikkan lagi penyelidikan mereka.
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